Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Not the time to be yellow

So September has been and the gone. The month of starting something new. Although January is the accepted 'New Year', for those still in education September is always a new beginning or continuation. Once we leave that bubble, we feel lost. There is nothing new to begin. Nothing more to continue. We are stopped. What happens to September now?

It becomes the month of applications, CV send outs, appointments and hopeful interviews. There's always the lucky few who are immediately accepted onto another course, or into a new job. For the rest of us Autumn approaches slowly, filled with empty days, slow weeks and mind-dumbing Facebook procrastination! We are so frustrated with our lack of success we become immersed in it. We are content to let time pass and allow ourselves to become lazy, while convinced we are doing all we can. Possible opportunities arise and we find a million excuses about their unsuitability and inconvenience. Our self esteem lowers and we are now ruled by fear and cowardice. At the time we need to be inspired, confident and ready for any challenge, we are introverted and doubtful.

It is only when friends and family notice the change and challenge us, do we reluctantly see our error. By nature, humans do not want to be cowards ruled by fear. Sometimes we do not even realise we are afraid. It may be hard to hear, but our loved ones tell us the truth even though it may hurt, because they care.

It can be frightening to begin with, but accepting that we are scared and moving forward regardless is the hardest part. We have no way of knowing if we will be successful, but taking a step in a new direction will put things into motion. Whether this creates a good or bad outcome, at least we are not longer cowards standing still, but confident humans moving forward.

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