Friday, 2 January 2015

Becoming Jane

After just finishing 'Becoming Jane' the 2007 biographical film about the life of the great Jane Austen, I have suddenly had the inspiration to write. This coupled with the beginning of a new year and the heavily championed idea to make resolutions, I find myself upon my once neglected blog.

I have always enjoyed writing, mainly in a diary using the creation of my thoughts on paper as a form of therapy. After starting this blog during university, I ventured into a more formal writing style and covered various different topics, that either troubled or interested me. This inspiration however didn't last, and I found that even though I wanted to continue blogging I couldn't quite find my voice.

After writing a diary avidly from the age of 15 to 23, with the years since only containing perhaps a entry every few months; I have always known that a decent chuck of my life has been in a way heavily documented. It's contents mainly a stream of consciousness and therefore a very accurate portrayal of myself, just on paper. At times quite depressing and at others truly hilarious! In discussions amongst friends, family and the occasional stranger, I have frequently expressed my desire to turn these diaries into some form of novel.

While already attempting to make it as an actress, in one extremely difficult and subjective field; I have always left the idea of this other and similarly impossible creative desire, as something I will perhaps do 'one day'.

I'm not sure if my recent surge of inspiration will last long enough to attempt writing anything of substance, however if it reignites my blog with something fresh and a bit more continuous then I feel that can only be positive.

I have always loved period dramas, and after learning about Jane Austen I now want more than anything to live in a period drama myself. She was a young women forever determined to live by her pen and achieve female equality in literary terms. I believe that she certainly achieved this. Yet, she also desired a true experience of love, which she managed to find but only for a short while. The rolling credits unveiled that Jane herself never married. I am unsure what my feelings are towards this truth. She was able to achieve to one dream but not complete the other, but at least she dreamt.

Therefore, what I have learned Jane Austen is that:

One cannot assume to achieve everything they set out to, but one can certainly hope to.

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