Saturday, 10 December 2011

Easier to do it wrong.

So lately I have noticed how we often knowingly do the wrong thing. Mainly because it is what we prefer. The wrong thing can often be the most instantly gratifying option. Sometimes by doing the wrong thing we are breaking a rule and so feel reckless and this can be fun, or maybe it is simply because doing the right thing is so damn hard most of the time.

From the beginning we are always taught to do the right thing. Our education at school is a combination of many years and exams where we must get the right answer in order to gain the right result. However, as we get older we see that in life there can be grey areas. What if there are two right answers? What if what we think is right, is actually wrong?

So many questions. Which is why we ask others for guidance when we are in a quandary. Still knowing all the while that we are going to do the wrong thing anyway! Is it the thrill of being bad? Or maybe its because we feel too weak to make the right choice?

For me, I am always out of luck. As a very indecisive person making any decision is difficult. So when my head or heart eventually leans toward any side, I have to go with it or I'll remain in limbo forever.

I guess whether the right or wrong thing is easier, either path will provide a journey for further options for bad decisions, wrong turns and mistakes. Without these we wouldn't learn and grow as people. We just have to remember that while doing the wrong thing may be easy and fun, it can also sometimes hurt people, including ourselves.

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