After spending my life conducting in various rehearsals for shows, concerts, musicals etc, I have always found them to be tiresome, stressful and frustrating. After weeks of late night perfecting and preening, there is usually a negative atmosphere surrounding the actors by the time the performances arrive. This is either because they are overworked, bored or tired of being blamed for others mistakes. Then of course the shows start and everyone enjoys performing so much that they are all friends again and cannot remember why they were so frustrated a few hours earlier. The run ends and all the actors get a serious case of the after-show blues and cannot wait to begin another rehearsal process. Oh the pains of the theatre darling!
Recently I have been forced to change my bitter view of rehearsals. I have just began working on the 40th Anniversary Production of Godspell with All Star Productions at Ye Old Rose & Crown Pub in Walthamstow. Now after just five rehearsals I am so inspired that on my nights off I am still revising the material and enjoying it! (This may just mean that my work ethic has improved) However, I believe that the exceptionally talented and creative cast and crew are the contributing factor. We are all a complete mix of eccentric actors form a variety of backgrounds and countries that have been thrown together and along with the hilarious warm -up games, musical innuendos and various tom foolery that occurs we have already produced some serious creativity.
I would just like to say we create one awesome rehearsal. So I can therefore only assume that the performances are going to be something of the divine and I would not want you to miss them.
Godspell is a musical based upon the Gospel according to St Mathew with an amazing rock/gospel score written by Stephen Schwartz. With a modern twist this show can delight audiences of all ages, backgrounds, religious preferences and musical tastes.
So please come and see our Production at Ye Old Rose & Crown Pub from 8th March - 1st April.
To book tickets visit - www.allstarproductions.co.uk
Or come say Hi on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=153666064681051